Smallest star in the sky

De @SppDream le 08/02/2014 (10 visites depuis 7 jours)

Couplet 1 :
My thoughts make me upset
My illusions explain mutilation
The scars on my arms
On my body, in my heart
So make me think of you.
Don't take it wrong but I love you
Your smile makes me feel good
Your eyes make me dream
Your abscence makes me suffer.
But you see nothing of it
Nothing of it...

Refrain :
For you I'm nothing at all
I think I realized
I would like you to understand what I feel
But I'm just a grin of sand on the beach
Just a sheet tacked on the ground.
For you I'm just the smallest star in the sky.

Couplet 2 :
Time passes but I haven't forgotten you
Henceforth I live my life as a burden
All my motivations soar.
Demons are lodged in my soul
Tears running down my cheeks
My smiles are increasingly rare
My heart beats only for you
But in my mind it's the mess.
I must stop maim me
Crying and thinking of you.
By telling me that, I feel I lose myself
I feel strange to be empty.


Couplet 3 :
You're the cause of my suffering
But never forget that you make me laugh too.
Despite of the pain I try to keep my head up
I try to roll with the punches.
I begin to live again
But in a split second evil catches up to me
And I return to this hell
Where mutilations are the only expressions.
I know our love is impossible
You're a man and I'm a teenager.


Couplet 4 :
I know our love is impossible
You're a man and I'm a teenager
For you I'm nothing at all, I'm just the smallest star in the sky.

L'auteur :

J'ai écrit cette chanson pendant une période de ma vie assez ... Sombre !

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