
De teterr le 30/09/2010 (6 visites depuis 7 jours)

I don't know where am I,
in my heart,
I would like to know,
who can open my eyes,
again now,
I'm asking myself,
who is my tentation,
where's going my emotion,

sorry for my ignorance,
sorry again and again,
if I can't choose you,
it's only to don't hurt my precious,
sorry again and again,
please let me down in mine pain,

never to late,
nerver afraid,
I'm just mixed up,
what's I'm feeling is growing up,
take part in my life,
to keep me alive,
with excuses to my side,
because it's an other who's taking your place in my heart,

sorry for my ignorance,
sorry again and again,
if I can't choose you,
it's only to don't hurt my precious,
sorry again and again,
please let me down in mine pain,

everything has ben told,
to escape to the storm,
fear growning ,
there never will be ending,
because I never begin,
to say what I'm feeling,
and never I tell,
because friendship is more important for myself

sorry for my ignorance,
sorry again and again,
if I can't choose you,
it's only to don't hurt my precious,
sorry again and again,
please let me down in mine pain,