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What is love

De Vins le 16/08/2022

Introduce me to your family
Promise me I'll always be happy
Get down on one knee


De Vins le 31/08/2022

There is so much love to give inside of you
But there is so much light inside of you
And you don't understand
When everyone in front of you stands up
And you what you want is to win the cup

What is love

De Vins le 16/08/2022

Introduce me to your family
Promise me I'll always be happy
Get down on one knee

Taste it

De Vins le 17/08/2022

You are just a boy
And I'm not a toy
I am young and lucid

It was you

De Vins le 20/08/2022

I no longer believed in love
Until I fall in love
And I always looked for this man
And you made me another man


De Vins le 10/11/2023

I spent my time wondering what am I doing here. What was the point of having done all that?
Am I ready to give up everything
Because I give too much of my heart to things
Am I ready to start from scratch, start again and again

It’s a boy, it’s a girl

De Vins le 21/08/2023

In a world of wonder, a moment so sweet,
A secret held within, a joy we can't keep.
The time has come to share the news,
A precious gift, a love that will infuse.


De Vins le 21/08/2023

In the depths of my soul, a secret I've kept,
A truth that's been hidden, silently wept.
But now it's time to break free from the chains,
To embrace my identity, and release the pains.

The power of music

De Vins le 24/08/2023

In a world divided, where hearts are torn apart,
There's a force that unites us, a healing work of art,
It's the power of music, a language we all share,
Bringing us together, showing that we care.

Dans mon royaume

De Vins le 21/10/2022

Quand je vois l’océan , je me sens chez moi
Je voudrais que les vagues suivent tout mes pas
Mais ce n’est pas possible, sur cette terre
Je dois vivre ma vie en solitaire

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Bonjour, je m’appelle Vincent

Je suis de Nouvelle-Calédonie mais je suis arrivé il y’a un an de ça en février 2022 sur Angers en France.

J’écris la plupart du temps des chansons d’amour ou triste et j’espère un jour avoir quelqu’un qui pourra chanter mes chansons et je l’attend désespérément car je ne joue pas d’instrument , j’écris juste les paroles et c’est mon plus grand rêve et le métier que je veux vraiment faire depuis tout petit.

N’hésitez pas à m’envoyer un message si vous êtes intéressé.

I also speak english :

Hello, my name is Vincent

I am from New Caledonia but I arrived a year ago in February 2022 in Angers in France.

I write mostly love or sad songs and I hope one day to have someone who can sing my songs and I'm desperately waiting for it because I don't play an instrument, I just write the lyrics and it's my biggest dream and the job I really wanted to do since I was little.

Feel free to send me a message if you are interested.

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