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De Vins le 03/04/2023

I don't care about the past
What I want is to be loved last
And you promised me he was just a friend
But you preferred to sign our end

Mon super-heros

De Vins le 25/03/2023

Toi avec lui , mon dieu
Loin des cieux
Je veux juste voir que t’es heureux
Ce n’est jamais un adieu
Et je n’ai jamais connu

The best lovers

De Vins le 12/01/2023

I never heard you say the three magic words
And these words are I love you
They are magic like you
Like the love I have for you

All or nothing

De Vins le 07/02/2023

But believe it or not baby
You want to catch up but I gave up on everything
You know very well that with me it was all or nothing

My Valentine

De Vins le 14/02/2023

I tell you I'm fine
Because I found my valentine
We are ready to shine
We're ready to cross the line
If they told me to have you back , I will sign


De Vins le 06/03/2023

I make movies in my head
And always the same film in the head, in the head
And in my heart, in my veins
I heal my pain

In this battle

De Vins le 21/08/2023

In the face of darkness, a battle begins,
A fight against a foe that's lurking within.
A diagnosis that shook your world apart,
But you're not alone, we'll stand by your heart.

Jamais toi sans moi

De Vins le 14/05/2023

J’irai là où ton coeur est
Car partout je te suivrai
J’irai au bout du chemin
Je prendrai les choses en main

Make love to me

De Vins le 16/04/2023

Since you've been here, I'm in heaven
So fly me to 7th heaven
How I'm in love with you
But what I want is to make love with you

Online dating and social media

De Vins le 22/08/2023

In a digital world, where connections are made,
We navigate through profiles, searching for a trade.
Swipe left, swipe right, it's a game we all play,
Hoping to find love, in this virtual display.

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Bonjour, je m’appelle Vincent

Je suis de Nouvelle-Calédonie mais je suis arrivé il y’a un an de ça en février 2022 sur Angers en France.

J’écris la plupart du temps des chansons d’amour ou triste et j’espère un jour avoir quelqu’un qui pourra chanter mes chansons et je l’attend désespérément car je ne joue pas d’instrument , j’écris juste les paroles et c’est mon plus grand rêve et le métier que je veux vraiment faire depuis tout petit.

N’hésitez pas à m’envoyer un message si vous êtes intéressé.

I also speak english :

Hello, my name is Vincent

I am from New Caledonia but I arrived a year ago in February 2022 in Angers in France.

I write mostly love or sad songs and I hope one day to have someone who can sing my songs and I'm desperately waiting for it because I don't play an instrument, I just write the lyrics and it's my biggest dream and the job I really wanted to do since I was little.

Feel free to send me a message if you are interested.

Me contacter